My librarian laid this book in front of me during in-service. I knew right away this was my first week's lesson!
Barney Saltzberg gives us a great little picture book that encourages us to make something wonderful out of a mistake. I can't think of anything more perfect for the first week in art class. I just can't bear to talk about rules and seating arrangements for a whole week! I know the kiddos appreciate not being tortured as well.
So I made hundreds of drips, holes, smudges and tears on small pieces of paper and gave each student a mistake of their own to renovate. They loved the challenge and everyone left feeling good about art. I found it was important to take a few minutes to share their work. One may not understand every picture without some explanation.
5th Graders had drips...
4th Graders had holes in their papers...
3rd graders were given smudges and oil pastels...
The smudge was the orange boat. |
The smudge here was the dark part at the beak and chest..WOW for a 3rd grader! |
Elvis with red hair...The smudge was the red hair. |
1st and 2nd Graders had torn shapes...
Her paper was pink so she changed it. |
The dog is swiping at the cat..LOVE the proportion! |
First Grade |
First Grade |
First Grade |